Put all the ingredients in a blender:
60 g of almonds
100 g of gluten-free oats
3 teaspoons of linseed
30 g of coconut sugar
12 g of coconut flour
50 g of maple syrup or honey
20 g of grape molasses
A pinch of sea salt
3 teaspoons of spice mix:
cinnamon powder,
freshly ground nutmeg
clove powder,
ginger powder.
In a food processor, pulse all the ingredients a few times to break them up but not completely pulverize them. It is better when the texture is a little rougher. Spread the mixture on baking paper. Dehydrate at 60 degrees Celsius for about 10 hours, until it becomes crispy. You can dry granola in an ordinary oven at the lowest temperature – adjust the time so that the granola dries out and becomes crunchy. Store in a jar for a couple of weeks. Serve with coconut yogurt and coconut syrup. Have a pleasant meal!